Was the baguette edible?

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How about some pictures of a bike shop... you have been in France for how long and yet, not one picture of a bicycle shop??? What kind of trip do you have planned here. I hope the bikes had a safe trip too. Can't wait to see your next posting. If you need some addresses of a few bikes shops in Paris I would be more than happy to assist with a google search. Safe travels my friend.

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Again...our next part of the conversation was, "How can they bike from Charles DeGaulle Airport?! We know the busy roads in and out would make that a problem. Glad to see you worked that out. The baguette machine...that's hilarious. And unplugging a computer to reboot is step one. Glad the plane flew after all. 😆

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Love the travelogue so far - especially the baguette machine! Really looking forward to following your adventures!

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Very cool baguette atm! Glad you made it, excited to follow along!

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