You two are amazing in what you're willing to undertake and in what you're willing to endure. Although our home-on-wheels is small, I like that we can hole up in inclement weather.

Something seems off with the rainfall estimate of 35 - 50 L/m^2 in 72 hours - that's 1.5 - 2 inches, which is a fair bit of rain but it seems that you're getting a lot more than that.

1 m = 100 cm

1 m^2 = 10,000 cm^2

1 L = 1,000 cm^3

1 L/m^2 = 1,000 cm^3 / 10,000 cm^2 = 0.1 cm = 0.04"

50 L/m^2 = 50 * 0.04" = 2"

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Wow… what an adventure you are having! That water looks scary. Travel safe!! Debra

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Stay dry as you can - Of course if it were me, I'd pray for rain so I could sleep in a hotel! The pictures are amazing.

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